All published information is reviewed annually. (Next review due by 30 September 2024.)

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*see pages 3&4 of the above policy for information regarding arrangements in place to allow a range of education and training providers to access all students in years 8 to 13 to inform them about approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships

At Clapton Girls' Academy, students are engaged in a programme of Careers Education, Information, Advice, and Guidance (CEIAG) from Year 7 to Year 13 led by out dedicated Careers Lead. In addition to careers information embedded in the curriculum, students are given access to a wide range of initiatives and opportunities, including use of online career investigation software, mentoring programmes and trips, employer talks and enterprise activities. Our careers programme is designed to meet all 8 Gatsby Benchmarks, and the success of our approach is reflected in our achievement of the Investor in Careers award 2021.

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All learners take part in a programme that helps them to:

  • Understand education, training, employment, and other progression opportunities

  • Develop skills to help them plan and manage their own development and career progression

  • Access relevant information

  • Learn from activities, visits and work experience

Students have access to and are supported in using careers information that is:

  • Easy-to-find and conveniently available

  • Unbiased and up-to-date

Methods used to promote work-related learning for students include:

  • Careers interviews

  • CEIAG-focused PSHCE lessons

  • Trips to workplaces and universities

  • Visits from employers and universities

  • Advertisement of opportunities through student notices

  • Provision of impartial information

  • Coaching and training in key skills such as CV writing and interview skills

  • Focus Day events

  • After-school clubs and workshops

  • Support with UCAS and apprenticeship applications

  • Provision of opportunities for mentoring with employers

  • Informative materials such as books, pamphlets and magazines on a range of topics

Methods used to assess impact:

The impact of the careers programme at Clapton Girls' Academy is measured and assessed through student voice processes and monitoring aspirations and destinations of leavers.


The percentage of Clapton Girls' Academy students staying in education/employment after Key Stage 4 is over 98%.

The percentage of Clapton Girls’ Sixth Form students going into higher education, apprenticeships or employment after completing their Key Stage 5 studies is 99%. 

Students are supported in their Careers Education by our dedicated CEIAG team and Partnerships Manager, Ms Storey who is based in the Sixth Form office and is available for careers interviews with students from any year group during drop in sessions in the LRC.

Available: Monday-Thursday, 9am-4pm


phone: 020 8985 6641 extension 263


Every year we host a Careers Fair where every student has the opportunity to hear from visitors from a vast variety of companies, organisations, further & higher education establishments about the opportunities for employment and study after leaving CGA.

CLICK ON PICTURE to see the careers sectors and courses on offer at universities & further education colleges that were represented at this year’s fair.


ELBA & BIG Alliance’s Mentoring Works programme

CLICK PICTURE BELOW for video celebrating the 20 year partnership between Linklaters & Mentoring Works and the 10-year partnership between Linklaters & CGA.